Self-imposed comics rehab, day 22

I got up at 7:00 AM today and decided to keep with the writing motif for the rest of the week. One thing I need to do is make sure I have enough stuff ready to be drawn, whether that means getting detailed outlines ready, a script, or just basic plots. So, my plan is to keep with the writing motif for this week and, depending on how much progress there is, perhaps into next week.

This, of course, means that the drawing practice will suffer, so I need to make sure I accomplish a lot this week, writing-wise.

I started reading Alan Moore’s and Eddie Campbell’s From Hell, which is an incredibly difficult read because Moore is really shoving certain research in the reader’s face. That, and there’s some old English in there that I’m not familiar with, so I sometimes have to read certain passages twice before I “get it.”

Plus, it’s not something you should try reading while tired.

I’m amazed by the amount of research that went into the book. And it’s very intricate so far. It’s quite inspiring and I’ve begun to think about the craft of comics more than I have been recently; a lot of brain power has been taken up by my business, music. Generally, when I walk around, I’ll think about my crafts, both comics and music, but of late music has taken up a lot of mental power because it’s how I’ve earned half my living for the past year and a half. Now, however, my thoughts are returning to comics, and it feels good, though to have both crafts once again occupy brain power is a bit overwhelming.

I finished the script I was working on yesterday, and it’s a 4-page story, longer than I wanted. I’ll have to write a much shorter one, which I think I’ll do now, just for fun.

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