Self-imposed comics rehab, day 21

I’ve decided to go another two weeks – that’s ten more days – of rehab. I want to make sure I keep up the habits I’ve been forming for the last 20 days.

Unfortunately, this week will be a little different, depending on what’s going on. My wife just had minor surgery (she’s okay), but because I’ve had to be her… nurse?… helper, our days so far have been thrown off and so have our sleep schedules. Depending on how the night goes, I may or may not be doing the 7:00 AM thing.

So, for this week, I’ll still to at least an hour’s worth of comics work, but it may not be at 7:00 AM, and I may not draw.

Today, I sat and started to write a script for the first time in a long while. I have to get used to the format I like to use. I’m writing a 2-3 page story for a friend to draw, although if I’m not careful, I might go overboard. I have to remember to keep it simple.

I like writing. It’s the part where I get to take ideas in my head and organize them. For me, writing is the pivot point; if the ideas are the starting point, then the writing is the point where the ideas will “pivot” towards the direction you want the ideas to go, or they’ll “pivot” towards a completely unexpected direction. For me, writing is the formulation of my ideas, and when it comes to comics, drawing is the execution.

When I write prose stories, I still think of writing as formulation and less about execution. I probably think of editing as the actual execution part.

Hopefully I get the story done by tomorrow. I mentioned writing him a story a couple weeks back, but haven’t been able to write anything for him. I certainly don’t want to seem like a flake. I was almost done today, but my timer went off so I have to stop.

I’ll be back tomorrow.

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