Self-imposed comics rehab, day 5

It’s the last day of my first week of my self-imposed comics rehab (what an awkward sentence). Except for a few late starts and some rustiness at the drawing table, I’d say it’s been fairly successful at getting me back to the drawing table on a regular basis to do nothing but draw comics.

So far, it’s been different from the way I’m used to working; I usually write myself some sort of script and then work from there. In this case, I’ve been doing it “the high school way,” which is to just think of something and draw it, which is something I don’t do much any more. I tried it a couple years ago, building a graphic novel one panel, one page at a time, and some of the stuff came out okay but the story never really evolved into something complete in my head. Instead, it was more a series of ideas that needed to somehow be linked together.

This time around, I’m going for single, short ideas. It’s been difficult to draw comics in the “free form” fashion. If you want to check out a guy who does it well, check out my friend Jeff Elden’s stuff.

In any case, I drew a park (complete with bench!) and most of a fat guy today.

Maybe after I finish this current idea, I’ll do some more Inkspills (ink only!) in comic form.

This weekend I have the freedom to either draw or not, as long as I’m back at the drawing table again on Monday. I should probably spend some time doing chores and finishing up that novel…

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