Harry Loves Ginny

Just finished reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. Good book. REALLY good book. I liked it a lot.

***************SPOILER BELOW!!!***************

One thing I will say that bugged the crap out of me was the over-used cliche of having the hero dump his girlfriend because his enemies might use her against him.


Noble? Yes. Does it work? Rarely. Sorry… you don’t have to be with someone to care about them. You can dump your girlfriend and set out on your journey, but if your enemy finds out that you care for her… BAM. The trap is set.

I really like Ginny as a character. She’s funny, spunky, smart, and a good match for Harry (though so is Hermione, though she’s stuck on that doof Ron). For Harry to dump her for the noble reason of keeping her safe is ridiculous. If Voldemort gets even an inkling that Harry cares for Ginny, then Ginny becomes endangered, whether she’s his official girlfriend or not.

My suspicion is, though, that she’ll find a way to join Harry in his adventures in the next book. After all, Ron and Hermione will be involved, and Harry cares for them… so why not Ginny? Ginny’s an independent, resourceful young lady, so despite Harry’s wishes she’ll probably be involved whether Harry likes it or not.

16 Responses

  • My theory: Harry’s group will end up consisting of Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville and Luna. Ginny’s awesome and I’m sure she set his silly protective hero notions straight in the next book. But anyways, at least this scene was better written than the one in Spiderman. I didn’t want to slap Harry AS MUCH as Peter.

  • hiya
    is it only me or did no one notice in the scene when ron lies unconscious in the hospital after being poisoned that when he utters- “er-my-nee” i beleive he is actually calling out for “hermoine” ….’
    is it only me ….. i wonder why harry or hermoine dint notice or catch that… that would be oh so cute!!!!!!!

  • why i dont understand it harry better get back wit ginny or ill flip why there agreat cupel i think that they shloud take the hole thing further and do some funky shit u here me huh u here me yall know wat i is takin bout coman brothers yall here me lets por test wes got to get some funky shit

  • sorry that word is protest but came on lets get some funky shit yeah the lads know wat i is takin bout POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Edited by Host

  • i realy do think that ginny and harry should tack the relation further because i know that ginny will come with harry and ron and hermione because i of all people would know that a women can be very powerful

  • to all the readers who have been feeling sad about the harry – ginny breakup: after careful thought i feel that harry does not yet love ginny- its just a massive crush. i think JKR did a great thing by showing a breakup. it just sets the plot for the grand finale.
    Ginny loves harry. But Harry needs to fall in love with her to be able to feel the real power of love. thats how they will be able to come together & fight Voldemort with this powerful weapon.


  • Shruti – good comment! The break-up should definitely set Harry up to fall in love, and your observation that this will allow him to “feel the real power of love” should definitely have a great affect on the story.

    My problem with the whole Noble Hero Breaking Up tactic is that it’s overused and very rarely done well. I hope Rowling gets creative with it.

    Someone posted a comment on this forum I frequent (www.fanboyradio.com/forums) that he thinks Harry is the last horcrux… hm… an interesting idea, though I’m not sure it would work if, in fact, Voldemort tried to kill Harry… unless of course he became a horcrux by accident. Who knows how Rowling would get out of that one (if it’s a legit theory, of course)?

  • You have all come up with some good insight and I believe if you keep the story and the characters in context, you will realize that what Harry did is what any one in his position would do at that age. He totally didn’t know what to do with girls the previous year and Hermione had to instruct him several times in OOTP about his ship with Cho. Harry has a hero complex that Hermione and Ron have picked on (GoF). At the age of 17, when he feels that he is going to fight the forces of evil, he doesn’t want to endager the ones he loves. So, bye-bye Ginny (for now) because I care.

    I feel it in my bones that this will be a major theme for the final book because the underlying theme that has always been pointed to has been LOVE. JKR has had Dumbledore point to it several times throughout the series. I think it will be a major factor in saving either Harry’s or Ginny’s life at some point.

    Shruti, you pointed to several things that I agree with. Especially the ‘Er-my-nee’ scene. I was expecting the next line in the story to be something to the effect of, “everyone turned to look at Hermioned who had become distinct shade of crimson.” It will be fun to see what JKR has in stall for us.

  • I think that part or whole of the Hextet (Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville, and Luna) will be there for portions of Harry’s journey to find the remaining Horcruxes, one of which may or may not be Harry’s scar. Ginny is a very headstrong girl and I wouldn’t be surprised if she confronted Harry in a scene reminiscent of the one where Tonks declared her love for Lupin. Never fear, we have not seen the last of her. However someone on the Sugar Quill Forum posted that the majority of the journey (especially the ending) should just be Harry, Ron, and Hermione. The series started out with the three of them and it should end that way. I like the symmetry of that.

  • I feel like you and believe that tight group to be highly involve together; Neville will show something big before the end. I don’t believe that Harry’s scar is a Horcrux. He would have been affected by it long ago. Besides, V tried to kill him when he was younger, not split his soul into him. I keep thinking that as the trio keep after the Horcruxes, Harry is going to have a similar experience as Dumbledore and be incapacitated. This is when Ginny will intervene and wake his stubborn butt up.

  • i like the way these guys think your absolutely right it is not going to save harry and ginny at all. harry and ginny are a perfect match for each other and i think ron and hermione are a good match for each other too!!!

  • i agree absolutely with you harry and ginny are meant to be together they had to live their life without any problems but what can we do with the evil lord voldmort who kills all who loves harry i wish he wont kill ginny too in the 7th book but i really agree with you they are a perefect match to each other

  • Harry loves Luna. Some part of his mind decided to ask her to go to the party with him, yet he later wished she would say no, and JKR describes it as “almost as if someone else had said it” HINT HINT! Geez, how more obvious can it be?
    -The are both different
    -They both have lost parent/s
    -They both could hear the voices behind the veil

    Ginny and Harry? was obvious it HAD to happen for a while, but meant to be ? Ulimatley, no. Too much alike, not enough balance! Luna can offer Harry an amazing world to escape in, and you can’t deny that dream like quality! Luna Lovegood and Harry Potter are like, made for each other. They are so perfect, it would be ridiculous if they didn’t end up together.

    Did Luna want to kiss Harry when she stated that they were under the Mistletoe. Note, he was under the mistletoe with Luna, not Cho, not Hermione, not Ginny. Luna. A while later he’s under it with Cho (who probably lured him under there) you notice that when Luna points that they’re under it, he jumps right out, like he’s nervous…or maybe doesn’t wanna have to kiss Loooony Lovegood. JKR craftily describes Luna’s beauty through her orb, misty, large, silver eyes. And better yet, Harry sees the Thesrsals, only THEY can see! reflected THROUGH her eyes! COME ON PEOPLE!

    Harry just randomly asks Luna to slughorn’s party, then is surprised he did so, as if he asked in a type of hypnotic, dreamy state? Anyway, when they’re at the party, Harry notes that she looks rather pretty. Then he has a really good time with her! he laughs so much, chocks on his drink even!

    Back to OOTP, they could BOTH ONLY hear the voices beyond the veil…they have lots in common, the voices, loss of parent/s, thestrals, even the taunting and the teasing… then in the end, Harry desperately wants to help Luna find her stuff, that people stole. And feels “something he never felt before” He also doesn’t mind HER talking about Sirius, but certainly minds if the others do, at this stage.

    Harry and Luna? a truly magical match.
    Harry and Ginny? a truly predictable, boring match.

  • shruti is right anyway ron and hermiony are bound to be together even if they seem to hate eachother thats how it begins and ginny does love harry i;m interested to see how their kiss will turn out in the 6th movie it will be a very intense scene

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