At Some Point, You Have To Stop Caring What Other People Think

I used to hesitate about putting certain pieces of art into the world. I’ve put off comics projects because I didn’t want people to pigeonhole me. I didn’t want to do this genre or that, or this style or that, lest people thought I was a writer or artist of that one thing. I’ve hesitated to use color more often because my ego wants me to be known as a pen-and-ink, black-and-white guy. It’s all stupid. … Read More

Keep drawing. Keep drawing. Keep drawing. Keep drawing. (AKA “Get Motivated!”)

The other day, Canadian artist and fellow Tumblr-ite Kimberly Parker posted some thoughts about artists comparing themselves to other artists and how to go about it positively and instead of being all doom-and-gloom about it (my words, not hers). It’s a quick read, so go ahead and read it. Without getting too personal, I, like so many others come with some emotional baggage. And I’m constantly battling them in order to get off my ass and … Read More

I’m Actually Announcing Projects

I stopped publicly announcing projects before they were ready to go so that they didn’t turn into false announcements. But in the last 2 hours, I wrote the entire first draft of text for an all-ages picturebook/comic I came up with today. It’s ready to get drawn already. So here I go: I’m announcing a few things. This way, if any and all of you want to take me to task, you can. Maypole – the … Read More
