I’m Back!!! Are you?

I’m back from San Diego, where I had quite the time. I met a lot of great people whom I’ve never met before, including Jim Rugg, Dave Crosland, Kazu Kibuishi, Kean Soo, etc. I passed out – and sold! – quite a few comics and brought enough home to sell online.

That’s right… I’ll be selling these limited Kinko’s prints online very soon, as soon as I get it all hooked up.

Now that I’m back, I’ll be prepping the online version of Max Hades, Book One, Chapters One and Two, doing my short story for The Velvet Goat (check it out if you haven’t already… some awesome stories are already up), finishing up the Jack Nada miniseries, and then starting Max Hades, Book One, Chapter Three.

My goal is to have the first two Max Chapters and the first new Jack Nada strip up by August 15th. That’s my goal, anyway. We’ll see what happens. But I can safely say that there will be no break for me… comics, comics, comics. I have work to do, so I gotta get to (hey, that rhymed).