I have been sitting at a computer for, oh, at least 12 out of the 18 hours I’m awake every day for the past couple of weeks. This includes my time spent at the ol’ dayjob, and also the nights I spend scanning, cleaning, and preparing pages for a small print run of Max Hades #1 and #2. Oh, and there’s the weekend, too.

It’s a pain in the ass, and once again, I’m cutting it close. I leave for San Diego on the 13th, which means I’d better get this thing printed before then. The covers still need to be painted, and I’m counting on my friend David Honigschmidt to pull through, because I do not want to watercolor these things myself. Have you seen me color? Have you seen a 2-year-old color? Actually, I’m not that bad, but if I want these covers to be boss, Dave’s gotta be my He-Man.

Speaking of San Diego, if you see a short Asian dude with a shaved head handing out 2 FREE mini-comics, come up and say hi. Ask for some books. Tell me you love me. Tell me I’m the coolest guy you’ve ever met and that once the full-size comic is printed you’ll gladly buy a copy or two hundred.

That’s all for now. See ya in San Diego!